Brown Sugar - 50 Pound Bag from Honeyville Food Products
Brown Sugar - 50 Pound Bag from Honeyville Food Products
As of 2025-03-13 15:34:58 GMT (more info)
Not Available - stock arriving soon
Description of Brown Sugar - 50 Pound Bag by Honeyville Food Products
We are proud to stock the excellent Brown Sugar - 50 Pound Bag.
With so many available recently, it is great to have a brand you can recognise. The Brown Sugar - 50 Pound Bag is certainly that and will be a superb buy.
For this great price, the Brown Sugar - 50 Pound Bag is widely respected and is always a regular choice amongst most people. Honeyville Food Products have included some excellent touches and this equals good value for money.
Manufacturer Description
Honeyville's Brown Sugar is a sucrose sugar product with a distinctive brown color. Brown Sugar has a lower caloric value than white sugar and has a higher ratio of molasses. Brown Sugar is also higher in moisture than white sugar, so baking with brown sugar may affect the final product if you donâ€TMt take into account the moisture levels. Honeyville Brown Sugar is an ideal product for your baking needs.
Product Features
Has a slightly lower caloric value by mass than white sugar.
Guaranteed fresh.
Contains from 3.5% molasses to 6.5% molasses.
Only available in a 50 pound bag